hils near djiwo are situated in the residency of klaten, government
of soerakarta. At no great distance to the soauth the boundary line
between this government and the government of Djokjakarta follows the
base of the southern range, which rises up as a fairly steep erosion
cliff. The fertile plain at its foot is a sugar, tobacco and rice
producing centre and belongs geologically to the southern and eastern
slopes of mount merapi. The object of our excursion is easily reached
by a rural road runs from the town of klaten to wedi nd from bayat
there to bayat, the seat of assistant wedono (native subdistrirct
officer). From thence a rural road run alongside the southern slope
of the djiwo hills towards tawangsari. The hills represent one of the
very few places in the djiwo hills towards tangsari. The hills
represent one of the very ew places in the island of java where
pretertiary sediments re exposed at the same time they form one of
the classic localities of Eocene foraminifera. A cursory description
of the gologi of the hills near djiwo, as a result of reconnaissance
work, was guven in 1895 by verbeek and fennema in their ‘’
geologische bescrijving van java en madoera’’. The geological
survey has started recently a general revision of the exixting
geological map of java, one of the frist things to be done under this
scheme was the taking up of field work in the area of sheet… of
topographical map of java in order to elucidate the geology of djiwo
hills and southern range. As a provisional result of this survey,
combined with the older work of verbeek and fennema, the following
startigraphical order can be fixed :
(and upper ?) Miocene : Limestone, marls. Slight unconformity. Middle
( and lower ?) Miocene : Conglomerate, sandstone, shales,
agglomerate, tuffs
and upper Eocene :limestone, marls, sandstone, conglomerates,
unconformity. Pretertiary : phyllites, schist, gneiss,
antigorite-serpentine,crystalline limestone.