In studying the lives especially in paleontology needed just a standard known as type. Type is often written with the word type, is something that is used as a reference to identify a type of life in the taxonomy. In paleontology very decisive role types and is used as a standard or benchmark or reference in the description.
Some types of terms that need to be studied, among others;
Type Specimen: a combination of said specimen and specimen type for the purpose, which examined the fossil material / obtained, and the type meant something that is used as a standard. Type specimens, fossil specimens were examined intended and used as a standard.
Spciotype, is a type of fossil that is used as a standard naming species concerned. Something similar genotypes arise term, subspeciotype.
Holotype, is a fossil specimen used as the basis for the description of a new species concerned. The holotype of observations about the nature of the fossils obtained. The holotype hereinafter stored dimuseum, as a scientific document. Bristish museum of natural history, in London, England; Cushman foraminifera research laboratory in the United States; to Utrecht University in The Hague, Netherlands; laboratory of Paleontologia geologia padofa in Italy; geology directorate Bandung, Indonesia, are examples of place names are given legality to save the holotype.
Apabilah later, there are researchers who want to see the truth of the description and the form of the object, the researchers can borrow or see the specimen.
Museotype; is an example of a specimen that is stored in the museum, as a scientific document. Anyone can see and borrow to be used as scientific research. Type specimens are stored as musetype, shall be given a catalog number, the scientific name of the fossil is concerned, the name of the inventor, the year of discovery, full description, the magazine publishing, the name of the magazine for the first time publish new discoveries, are on page number, and number plate and drawings of fossils in question.
Type reference, is referenced (magazine) who first published his discovery of new fossils. (please see the book Postuma)
Neotype, is a substitute apabilah holotype specimen is damaged or missing
Syntype, are the same type and have the same value in the nomenclature
Typeseries, is the number of specimens that show or have the same appearance or as variations
Lectotype, is a specimen that was chosen by other researchers (not the inventor) which is then used as the basis for the description, with a belief that the scientific value in the taxonomy / nomenclature together with the holotype. Examples of fossils in the description by a student in the laboratory, is nothing but a lectotype
Topotype, the location where the holotype, neotype and syntype obtained. Thus apabilah topotype, neotype and syntype missing then as his successor sought lectotype of topotype same.