

Foto ‎Geo Pedia مجلة الجيولوجيا.علوم المنوفية‎.

Part I ☞ Introduction 
1. Approaches to geomorphology

Part II ☞ Endogenic processes and landforms 
2. Global morphology and tectonics 
3. Landforms and tectonics of plate margins 
4. Landforms and tectonics of plate interiors 
5. Landforms associated with igneous activity 

Part III ☞ Exogenic processes and landforms 
6. Weathering and associated landforms 
7. Slope processes and forms 
8. Fluvial processes 
9. Fluvial landforms 
10. Aeolian processes and landforms 
11. Glacial processes and landforms 
12. Periglacial processes and landforms 
13. Coastal processes and landforms 
14. Climate, climatic change and landform development 

Part IV ☞ Endogenic-exogenic interactions 
15. Rates of uplift and denudation 
16. Tectonics and drainage development 
17. Sea-level change 
18. Long-term landscape development 

Part V ☞ Extraterrestrial landforms 
19. Planetary geomorphology 


➤ This innovative text provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject of global geomorphology, with the emphasis placed on large-scale processes and phenomena. Integrating global tectonics into the study of landforms and incorporating planetary geomorphology as a major component the author discusses the impact of climatic change and the role of catastrophic events on landform genesis and includes a comprehensive study of surface geomorphic processes. 

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